santa fe plaza

How to Beat Altitude Sickness in Santa Fe (2024)2 min read

santa fe plaza

Altitude sickness is no fun but especially worse when visiting a new city on vacation.

Unfortunately, this is the reality for many visitors to Santa Fe when they arrive.

So what does a visitor do to limit or beat the acclimation period?

Here are my local tips to avoid the pesky altitude sickness when exploring Santa Fe.

Keep fluids regular. Hydration is key when the base altitude is approximately 7,200 ft!

Don’t drink or keep your alcohol to a minimum. As tempting as it is to hit all of Santa Fe’s best happy hours, it’s best enjoyed after your body has adapted to the elevation. Seriously, this is a big one.

Arrive in good shape. With thinner air, your body is naturally going to work harder to breathe. Ensure a smooth transition by continuing your workout regimen or at least, get one started shortly before arriving.

Sleep! We know you likely are planning to experience all the best things in Santa Fe, but get your beauty rest and provide your body a complete nights rest. Even more, pair it with a cat nap in the afternoon.

Beat the high desert environment. Some things that should be mandatory before leaving include sunscreen, hats, and glasses. With the higher exposure level to the sun, these practices will limit your chances of developing any negative symptoms while exploring.

Even if you are unfortunate enough to be hit by any of these altitude sickness issues, most issues run their course fast and aren’t horrendous. Meaning, you’ll have plenty of time to get around and see the best of the city different!

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